Good day About addiction. There is in the real sense no thing like "I can't". The simple truth is that it's a psychological issue. Probably you've heared one or two things about mind over matter. If you believe you are not strong enough to end a battle with a biscuit/brisket bone, then you truly can't, but if you believe you can murder a crazy bone with a milk teeth, then you are on to it. Great people are those that train themselves to control themselves starting from their mind. Addiction is a gradual process and stopping it is not meant/expected to be magical. Getting addicted to something is like destroying a temple, getting off the hook is like building up rome which is not done in a day, however it must be completed. You garrit?. Okay testimony time. 1. I never knew i can fry plantain without tasting a larger percentage before it's all done , but thanks to God, i've done it twice and i'm loving it. 2. I realised just today